#include <iostream> using namespace std; int increments[] = { 2, 4 };
// Already beyond the square root? -> true (prime)
// (else)
// Divisible by current divisor? -> false (not prime)
// (else)
// Calculate next divisor and recurse bool isPrime(int n, int divisor, int incr) { return (divisor * divisor > n ) || ( (n % divisor != 0) &&
isPrime(n, divisor + incr, increments[incr == 2] )
); } bool isPrime(int n) { return isPrime(n, 2, 1); } int main() { for(int i = 2; i <= 100; i++ ) { if( isPrime(i) ) { cout << i << " "; } } cout << endl; return 0; }
Other entries:
- isPrime: Naive version
- isPrime, Optimization 1: Iterate only until the square root of the number
- isPrime, Optimization 2: Only divide by odd numbers, until the square root of the number
- isPrime, Optimization 3: Skip the divisors that are multiple of 2 or 3
- Keep the previosly generated primes and use them to test the following numbers.
- isPrime, Recursive.
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